Came home with a few bug pictures and like 50 blurry red pandas..
So here are a couple of spiders.

It's Fuzzy

Not from the zoo, but from the steps of the Smithsonian Natural History Museum.

Saw some busy people while on my way out.

Ok maybe he was just tired.

I got dizzy looking at this picture in photoshop. You?


Ok Shama and Wicket haven't been doing anything these days. Maybe it's too hot outside... They just lay around.

Nom nom nom

Volunteers observing the pandas.

It was Tai Shan's 3rd birthday about 2 weeks ago. He gots birthday cards.


Hey, .. it's kind of poof.

Moar Red Pandas

I was hoping that it would rain today at the zoo so I could see some soggy animals, but no luck..

Hawt Red Pandas

So it was pretty hot again today. The mist nozzles were all turned on around the red pandas' house.

Even so, they were pretty tired looking.

Later on I saw one of them hanging out in a tree. Maybe it's a little bit cooler.

i has a tree on my head.....

Moar Babies

Apparently the golden lion tamarins had babies last week. I think I counted three new lils hanging on to their mommies.

Shleepy Rawr

Curious thing..

Dramatic nom


I have never seen the porcupines moving..................


This is a funny person

we has flavor

Two cavys hanging out and grooming each other.

On most days, I get increasingly frustrated the longer I stay at the zoo, but that's normal. The only days that are nice at the zoo are the cold and/or rainy days.

The reptile house is busy even on relatively slow days, so it was packed today. After about 5 minutes, I seriously wanted to punch every 3 to 10 year old that I saw. The entire hall was packed with these little annoying kids that ran around, screamed, and pounded their little grubby hands on every panel, window, and wall.

It would also be awesome to throw one of those little kids into the alligator pool outside the the building XD

Random Birds

It totally looks like an old man..

i has horns

It's a Speke's gazelle.
it has nice head symmetry :D

Moar Red Pandas

O hi thar.

Walking down a tree.

i got wet.

Baby Flamingo

The flamingos were making an awful racket after the rain today so I went to go see them. Noticed some little flamingo chicks.


Saw these two while walking around the edge of the zoo. One of them had a limp, poor little probably fell at some point and hurt itself. Mommy wasn't far behind.